Books about South Georgia published within the last few decades
Many can be obtained at the South Georgia Heritage Trust’s online bookshop. See our LINKS PAGE.

Agnew, David J
Fishing South. The History and Management of South Georgia Fisheries
2004. 123 pp
All about the successful management of South Georgia’s fisheries by the scientist who advised the government for many years.

Angel, Malcolm
Too few too far. The true story of a Royal Marine commando
Amberley Publishing. 2008. 159 pp.
An ‘as told to’ account of George Thomsen’s involvement in the Falklands Conflict with masses of purple prose and bootneck chatter. The second half of the book covers the taking of South Georgia by Argentinean forces.

Basberg, Bjørn L
The Shore Whaling Stations at South Georgia. A study in Antarctic Industrial Archaeology
Novus Forlag. 2004. 226 pp.
Primarily the results of a research project on the archaeology of the whaling stations which analyses how they were designed and operated. This is set in the context of the wider history of South Georgia

Brown, Nan
Antarctic Housewife
Hutchinson. 1971. Reprinted Infographics.1996. 190 pp.
A charming book about life at King Edward Point in the 1950s by the wife of the radio operator.

Burton, Robert
The Maritime History of South Georgia
South Georgia Heritage Trust. 2013. 32 pp.
Robert Burton introduces the history of South Georgia from the perspective of the vessels that have sailed its stormy waters. The booklet is richly illustrated with photographs, and includes a map showing the sites of the many wrecks around South Georgia.

Burton, Robert
A Field Guide to the Wildlife of South Georgia
South Georgia Heritage Trust

Burton, Robert
Shackleton at South Georgia
South Georgia Heritage Trust. 2014. 24 pp.
Produced as a fundraiser, this booklet is made up of descriptions of Shackleton’s three visits to South Georgia.

Burton, Robert
Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 1996
Visitor Booklet given by GSGSSI to all visitors. Contins an excellent introduction to the island, its history, recent and current management activities, and how it is governed.

Carr, Tim & Pauline
Antarctic Oasis. Under the spell of South Georgia
Norton. 1998. 256 pp.
Large format book with an account of the island based on the authors’ life and adventures over several years in the yacht Curlew. Brilliant photographs.

Charles, Graham
Unclaimed Coast
Penguin 2007
Story of the first complete kayak journey around the coast of South Georgia.

Dickinson, AB
Seal fisheries of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies: an historical review
International Maritime Economic History Association. 2007. 202 pp.
Scholarly review of the sealing industry by the last Sealing Inspector at South Georgia.

Elliot, Gerald
A Whaling Enterprise. Salvesen in the Antarctic
Michael Russell. 1998.
Salvesen’s whaling operations and the unsuccessful attempts to regulate the industry by an insider, great grandson of Christian Salvesen, who spent his working life in the company.

Fraser, Gibbie
Shetland’s Whalers Remember
2001. 238 pp.
A collection of reminiscences by 51 Shetland whalers.

Gordon, Tam
Whaling Thoughts Recalled. ‘a way of life’
No date.176 pp.
A collection of reminiscences of Leith Harbour and Southern Harvester by Salvesen employees.

Grant, Jamie
Summer in South Georgia
Watermill Books. 2016. 144 pp.
Colour photographs of the wildlife and landscape of South Georgia from the ‘Artist in Residence’ on the island during the 2015-2016 winter.

Hart, Ian B
Pesca. A History of the Pioneer Modern Whaling Company in the Antarctic
Aidan Ellis. 2002. 548 pp.
A monumental book on the history of the company that operated Grytviken. Stuffed with facts by an author who has made this subject his life’s work!

Hart, Ian B
Whaling in the Falkland Islands Dependencies 1904-1931
Pequena. 2006. 365 pp.
Covers whaling in the Dependencies from first reports by Cook and Ross of abundant whales to the collapse of the whale oil market in 1931.

Hart, Ian
Antarctic Magistrate: a life through the lens of the camera
Pequena. 2009. 303 pp.
Edward Binnie was magistrate at South Georgia from 1912 to 1927. He left scores of glass plate negatives of South Georgia and other whaling areas, many of which are reproduced in this biography.

Headland, Robert
The Island of South Georgia
Cambridge University Press. Paperback 2009. 293 pp.
First published in 1984, this summary of South Georgia has long been out of print. Although this edition is unchanged and so out of date in many places, it is an still an essential possession for everyone interested in the island.

Kohl-Larsen, L
South Georgia. Gateway to Antarctica
1930. English edition Bluntisham Books 2003.
A fascinating account of the first attempt to explore the interior of South Georgia, together with original observations of wildlife.

Lunde, Stig-Tore (ed.)
Grytviken seen through a camera lens
Institut Minos. 2004. 127 pp.
A collection of excellent and fascinating photographs of life at Grytviken by Theodor Andersson who worked there in 1923.

Martin, Tony and Rat, Team
Reclaiming South Georgia
SGHT 2016 144pp.
The story, in word and image, of the SGHT Habitat Restoration Project fieldwork that took place on South Georgia in three phases (in 2011, 2013 and 2015), baiting every inch of rodent-infested land on the island. Every photo in the book was taken by a member of Team Rat, and the story is a personal account by Project Director Professor Tony Martin of the challenges and triumphs involved in routing the furry invaders.

Matzen, Thies and Ericson, Kicki
Antarktische Wildnis: Südgeorgien
Mare. 2014. 168 pp.
A high-quality photo book about South Georgia, where Thies and Kicki spent 26 consecutive months on board their yacht, Wanderer III. In German, but available with an English language insert from

McLeod, Beverley
In the Shadow of Shackleton’s Cross
OTCEditions 2014
Memories of a childhood spent at King Edward Point.

Ommanney, FD
South Latitude
Longmans. 1938. 2nd edition 1965. Paperback: Read Books. 2006. 328 pp.
Amusing and lively account of the Discovery Investigations by a whale biologist working at Grytviken and elsewhere.

Pearson, Bruce
Troubled Waters: trailing the albatross, an artist’s journey
Langford Press. 2012
Troubled Waters transforms a personal passion for albatrosses into a thought-provoking personal story that brings to life the open ocean and which responds to an urgent contemporary conservation issue.

Perkins, Roger
Operation Paraquat. The Battle for South Georgia
Picton Publishing. 1986. 262 pp.
‘The events of 1982’ in detail, with the history of South Georgia that led up to them.

Poncet, Sally
Antarctic Encounter: Destination South Georgia
Simon & Schuster. 1995. 48 pp.
A charming book for children about Sally’s three sons’ adventures sailing around South Georgia aboard the yacht Damien II.

Poncet, Sally and Jerome Poncet
Southern Ocean Cruising
A guide for cruising yachts explaining how to behave in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic, sailing directions and anchorages. Written back when there was no other source of such information. Beware the cover photo is the only one!
ERA. 2007.

Poncet, Sally & Kim Crosbie
A Visitor’s Guide to South Georgia
Wildguides. 2005. 180 pp.
A ‘must’ for visitors. A good ‘potted’ account of the island followed by detailed descriptions of 23 places to explore.

Robinson, Robb and Hart, Ian
Lodestar Books 2014
The story of Dias, the sealer that spent most of her interesting life on South Georgia, and her auspicious start as a Hull trawler called Viola and wartime minesweeper.

Tatham, David (ed.)
The Dictionary of Falklands Biography (including South Georgia)
Self-published. 2008. 576 pp.
Authoritative detailed biographies of notable people by a former Commisioner and founding chairman of the SGA.

Trendall, Alec (with a chapter by Walter Roots)
Putting South Georgia on the map
Self-published. 2011, 216 pp.
An account of the South Georgia Surveys, privately organised and led by Duncan Carse in the 1950s. These led to the publication in 1958 of DOS 610, the first accurately surveyed map of the whole island, which stood as the definitive map of South Georgia for nearly half a century. The story is told, by a member of his first two expeditions, within the context of Carse’s colourful life and unfulfilled ambitions, and is illustrated by over 100 contemporary colour photographs never previously published.
There are more details at, where the book is available for sale.

Venables, Stephen
Island at the edge of the world
Hodder & Staughton. 1991.