SGA Online Talks – Whales Penguins and Mountains

Online - the Comfort of Your Own Home

Dr Jennifer Jackson (BAS): Whale recovery at South Georgia: findings from three years of surveyDr Tom Hart (Oxford University): Counting the South Sandwich Islands: an interdisciplinary expeditionCrag Jones: President Gorbachev: My Part In His Downfall


SGA Online Talks No. Two – 9 September 2020

Online - the Comfort of Your Own Home

Toothfish, Construction and Good Riddance to Rats Following the success of our online talk – Whales, Mountains and Penguins – in June, we are holding another one. We are repeating the successful format of three short talks followed by questions from the ‘floor’. The event will be hosted via the online platform Zoom. For those unfamiliar with Zoom, […]


Online Talk No. 3 – Thursday 26 November 2020

Three talks as follows: John Dickens – Aerial Studies take off in South Georgia John has worked at Bird Island and KEP for the British Antarctic Survey. He will discuss how drones are being used to observe wildlife in South Georgia, a pilot project he participated in during his time on the island with BAS. Dr Robb […]


SGA Talk – The A68 Iceberg at South Georgia

Laura Gerrish and Sally Thorpe from the British Antarctic Survey tell us about the massive iceberg A68A that recently approached South Georgia, and the work being undertaken to study it, and its possible impacts on the island.

Gilbert White Shackleton Talk Online by John Dudeney

"This talk provides a new historical perspective on Sir Ernest Shackleton’s amazing adventure in the Weddell Sea – of brave hopes, hopes dashed, shipwreck and castaway, and ultimate survival. But in doing so, it will draw on previously unknown information from a century ago held in the UK National Archives which was recently uncovered by […]
