The South Georgia Association is inviting nominations for the award of the Morag Husband Campbell medal for the seventh year.

The Medal has been made possible by a generous bequest from a long-standing and enthusiastic supporter of the Association, Miss Morag Husband Campbell.
It comprises a Sterling silver relief medallion, 60mm in diameter. The name of the recipient and the year will be inscribed on the reverse. It is intended to award the Medal every year or every other year depending upon nominations.

The Association has agreed that the Medal should be awarded to individuals who have contributed significantly to the understanding, appreciation and promotion of South Georgia. This would encompass
- i) scientific studies as well as in the arts and humanities including culture, history, heritage, artistic endeavour etc.,
- ii) adventurous travel and “exploration”, or
- iii) activities which enhance the wider appreciation of South Georgia (e.g. in the media or through administrative functions).
Nominations (self-nominations are not permitted) should be made on an official Nomination Form available below and from the Secretary of the Association. to whom they should be sent no later than 29 February 2024 .
The award would be made in 2024 at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Professor David J Drewry
Chair SGA
Download the Nomination Form Here:
Morag Husband Campbell Medal Nomination Form 2024 (35.50 KB)