Online Talks No. Two – 9 September 2020

Toothfish, Construction and Good Riddance to Rats

Following the success of our online talkWhales, Mountains and Penguins – in June, we are holding another one. We are repeating the successful format of three short talks followed by questions from the ‘floor’. The event will be hosted via the online platform Zoom. For those unfamiliar with Zoom, we can forward instructions on how to download and use the app if requested.

Place: The comfort of your own home. SGA Members will be contacted by email with registration details. We will also keep you updated here, and on the FaceBook page.

Date: Wednesday 9 September 2020

Time: 7PM (1800 GMT for overseas participants )

How to Take Part: Email the communications editor HERE or use the form BELOW by Monday 7 September to register your interest and we will send you the link.

The meeting invitation will be sent out on Tuesday 8 September to the email address you have provided.

NB – you do not need to ‘sign up’ to a Zoom account in order to attend this meeting.

Tell your friends: Please feel welcome to invite non-members to participate – the more the merrier! (There is a maximum audience of 300 people).

The Speakers

The Fishing Industry and Science in the South Georgia Toothfish Fishery

Peter Thomson (Argos)

Building Infrastructure on a Small Island – the New KEP Wharf

Joe Corner (BAS)

Confirming the Eradication of Rodents from South Georgia.

Pat Lurcock

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