South Georgia Association Spring Meeting and AGM 28 April 2023

The South Georgia Association are pleased to announce a live, in-person, Spring Meeting and Annual General Meeting at the Royal Over-Seas League in London on 28 April. Members are welcome to bring guests. Non-members may attend, but not vote in AGM proceedings. Tickets for the evening, including the reception, cost £30.00 per person. We have tried to keep the price as low as possible.


Members have been sent details of how to apply for tickets by Email. Non-members can follow the following link to obtain tickets:


17:45 Pay Bar Opens. Catch up with your South Georgia friends.
1800 – 1900: Reception including drinks and canapés
1900 – 1945: AGM Proceedings, Updates from GSGSSI, SGHT (and BAS tbc), Award of Morag Husband Campbell medals
20:00 – 21:00: “Winter Surveys at South Georgia” a lecture by Dr Martin Collins, with plenty of pictures of South Georgia in the winter!

Presentations of Morag Husband Campbell Medals

We were unable to present the medals in person over the past couple of years so we will catch up now – Bob Headland and Crag Jones will be presented with their medals at the meeting.

The Talk – Dr Martin Collins OBE

Martin will talk about recent winter fishery surveys including the Groundfish survey May 2021, winter krill surveys 2022 and time spent at King Edward Point during the 2022 winter.

We are looking into recording the talk for non-attendees to enjoy later, but are not sure that we have the technology.

Getting There

1000 m

What Three Words: ///

Nearest Underground Station: Green Park on the Jubilee/Piccadilly/Jubilee lines